Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"Always on"

This generation today especially the young adults is always connected to the internet, email, blogs, facebook, etc.  I have found that being "always on" is a blessing and a curse. 
    This generation is use to getting the things they want immediately.  There is no waiting, because everything is at the touch of a button or a click of a mouse.  The immediate satisfaction has lead this generation to have the feeling of entitlement, and lose a sense of patients.
   "Always being on " however, does have benefits as well.  Information is always available and easy to access.  Therefore, no one is limited to what they can learn.  However, it is important to remember not everything you read on the internet is true or fact.

1 comment:

  1. Michelle
    Tolstoy said it best "it was the best of time, it was the worst of time" That about sums up what I think of always on technology. I enjoy the access to information I just wish for the old days that when you went home at night nobody from work would call you. I get a least 5 such calls, emails, texts a week. I want to just shout "POOR PLANNING ON YOUR PART DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN EMERGENCY ON MY PART". Can we just turn it off please.
